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This Study Bible is an invitation to meet all the women of the Bible—those mentioned by name and the many who remain anonymous. The Bible mentions about 800 women or groups of women. We probably didn't imagine there would be so many. Among the literature of its time, the Bible stands out for the elevated position it attributes to women.

This is because, to God, both men and women are equally important.

Even in genealogies, where patrilineal descent is evident, there is often mention of daughters, some named and others not. Who are these approximately 800 women or groups of women?

Why are they mentioned in Scripture? Do they have a message for us today?

Each of them appears in the Word of God for a reason, positive or negative. They were all important. All known and loved by God. So what are we waiting for?

Let's move on! Let's find out who they were, what they did, why they stood out and why they are mentioned.

Some women's message may be minimal, but it is there, waiting to be read, pondered, understood, admired, praised, believed and valued.

In the material of this study Bible we wanted to mention all the women in the Bible, however circumstantial the reference may have been.

From the daughters of the longest-lived man to the widow who has been a widow for the shortest time; from the princess of the most powerful empire of her time to the poor and seemingly insignificant widow who decided to offer God everything she had.

Bíblia Da Mulher Nova Edição Almeida Revista E Corrigida Média 13,5x20 preta.


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