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01- Softener Cuticles and Calluses 120ml Repos Repos Cuticle and Calosity Softener is ideal for those who want practicality when getting their nails done. Developed to soften cuticles and calluses, even without the use of water. It is ready to use, it does not need a basin to soak your feet or hands. Simple and easy to use, it is ideal for removing cuticles and calluses as it is already diluted, facilitating the professional's operation. Repos is easy, practical and fast, in addition to being antibacterial and biodegradable.


- Antibacterial;

- Biodegradable;

- Easy handling;

- It has no smell; - Reduces the risk of contamination;

- Quick and easy procedure. How to use: Apply the product directly to the cuticles, or with the help of a cotton pad. Wait 10 to 20 seconds and remove. In case of calluses, apply directly to the affected skin and wait 3 minutes, if there are excessive cases, it can also be used with warm water.

01- Urea Cream 120g Reposts Moisturizing cream with urea in its formulation is super important for the care of hands and feet. By hydrating, urea stimulates collagen production, prevents cracks resulting from dryness and improves the appearance of the skin.

Presentation: Pot with 120g Manufacturer:


01- Spatula Plantar Scalpel 222 Podiatry

Amolecedor Cutículas e Calosidades 120ml Repos + Espátula Bisturi 222 Podologia

£47,00 Preço normal
£32,90Preço promocional

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